Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Knowledge Zone


Today I am starting a new section in which I explain some important aspects of Trading, Investing, Technical Analysis, Value Investing & many more related stuff, under that heading of  "Knowledge Zone". 

I hope these knowledge sharing will definitely help Stock market community to understand many things in very simple and learning language and explanations.
These knowledge sharing blog if for all investors and traders from all around the world,no matter in which country they are from and whichever stock market exchange they trade, because the basics remains same for all kind of markets all over the world.

We will cover all type of financial markets, from Stock Market to Derivatives to Options, Mutual Funds, Commodity market, Currency, Forex, Debt, Fixed Deposit, to any kind of investments and even Real Estate and much more.
I invite readers to post there comment and queries under the relevant topics.
I also invite readers to share there knowledge, to help the investors.

Please note (Strictly but Humble request) : 
Kindly do not post any recommendations for buying or selling any type of securities in this Blog, if found anyone breaking this important rule of the blog than I will block that person / member from the blog permanently. Also take a note that do not post any advertisement or promotion of your or others website or blog for your personal benefits etc. Do not use abusive or offensive language, as this blog is for learning and knowledge sharing purpose.
I expect that everyone must obey the basic and simple rules of this Blog.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

About Us

         In my terms CHARTIST means the person who reads or make charts, it means chart can be on anything from marketing charts to stock market charts or simple data charts to the very complicated multiple data charts, it can be any chart.

         But here our relevance of chart is of Stock, Commodity, Currency, Forex charts. The person who reads the chart by implementing layers of methods and strategies on charts are called Technical Analyst  (no matter the methods and strategies are of there own created or by using techniques discovered by many legends in the past).

Here on this blog / site you will find the following :

1) Technical Charts - Studies, Theory, Indicators, Methods and everything related to charts and Technical Analysis.

2) Knowledge Zone - in this section many important topics will be covered and you will get basic information on almost everything related to financial markets.

3)  Ask Me - in this section you can ask what ever queries you have, related to Stock markets, TA charts etc.

4) Besides above topics, from time to time we will try to put some light on many such issues which are directly related to each one of us in regards of financial markets many many general topics, but are very important in our life.

Please do note down that our technical chart study is only meant for study / learning & knowledge purpose only.

I do not recommend or advise to buy / sell / hold any stock / securities / derivatives etc.

Point to be noted here that our study is mainly on past dated charts so that people can understand and learn the theory and practical or technical chart reading.

I do not study on "future" dated charts (must explain here "future" means the future date & time, means which is not present, in simple words it means "future tense" )

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